Dance Research Journal of Korea Submission Guidelines
» 작성자 : 무용학회 » 작성일 : 2012-07-25 » 조회 : 3350
» 첨부파일 :
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Dance Research Journal of Korea

Submission Guidelines


The Korean Society of Dance, since its establishment in 1974, has played a central role in developing academic investigations and artistic explorations in the dance field. Its projects include annual and international conferences, journal publications, dance competitions, and performance series revisiting classics and reconstructing dances. Its academic journal, Dance Research Journal of Korea (DRJK) is included in the resources of Korea Citation Index (KCI), and serves as a prestigious research journal nationally. DRJK provides the most comprehensive and vigorous purview of academic experiments on all aspects of dance and dance-related areas. DRJK, since 2012, has been published six times a year, and aims to globally promote dance studies with internationally-acclaimed Editorial Board members. DRJK welcomes submissions of original researches on dance written in English and accepts a broad range of theoretical and methodological stances and attempts.

 Manuscripts can be submitted only electronically to:

         International Director, Hyunjung Kim (also CC-ed to )


DRJK is a peer- and blind-reviewed journal. Since submitted manuscripts will be anonymously sent to and reviewed by three expert reviewers, the author(s) should provide contact information separately from the manuscript, including the full names of the author(s), and their email addresses, phone numbers, and current associations/job titles. Also, the author(s) should submit the manuscript with the statement that “it has not been published and simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.” Manuscripts should follow the stylistic format of the American Psychological Association (APA, 6th edition) and be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, double-space in MS Word. The manuscript must be accompanied by a title, a table of contents, references, an abstract of 100 to 200 words, and five key words. If the manuscript is written with the support of the research grant of other organizations, this should be clearly stated at its beginning.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources, such as photographs and drawings, and for providing copies of such permissions. The Korean Society of Dance has the copyright of the journal, and the individual author retains the copyright for the article that he or she wrote and has the right to republish the article with proper acknowledgement that it has been previously published in DRJK.


Publication dates of DRJK are the last day of even-numbered months. Once submitted, the author(s) will be notified the result of blind peer reviews approximately within two months. Once accepted, manuscripts written in English will be exempted from submission and publication fees, and the author(s) will receive two complete copies of the issue in which the article appears.







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